The American Society of Agronomy will be hosting a Cover Crops webinar series on Thursdays in March. Each webinar is free and open to the public.
Because this series is sponsored by 13 different public and private organizations, continuing education units will also be available to registered Certified Crop Advisor participants free of charge.
The webinars will be available live or recorded through a link sent via email after the webinar.
Topics, speakers, and CEU details are as follows:
- March 6, 2014: Cover Crops, Soil Health Principals and Maximizing Yields – Kristine Nichols, USDA-ARS – 1 CEU in Soil and Water Management
- March 13, 2014: Combining Livestock, Manure and Cover Crops - Tim Harrigan, Michigan State University and Kent Solberg, Minnesota Farmer – 1 CEU in Nutrient Management
- March 20, 2014: Cover Crops Seed Selection and Planting - Jim Hoorman, Ohio State University Extension and Keith Berns, Green Cover Seed – 1 CEU in Crop Management
- March 27, 2014: Cover Crop Management and Termination - Mike Plumer, Illinois – 1 CEU in Crop Management