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Hill and Furrow

Bacterial Blight Prevalent on Soybeans

Symptoms of bacterial blight are prevalent at the Northwestern Illinois Agricultural Research & Demonstration Center in 2015.

As the disease name suggests, bacterial blight is caused by a bacterium called Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. glycinea. Disease is favored by conditions that have been prevalent in 2015 - moderate temperatures (75-79 degrees) and windy, rain storms.

Luckily, the warmer, drier weather conditions that typically occur later in the season can arrest the spread of this disease. Crop rotation, burying soybean residue and planting genetically resistant soybean varieties an help to manage this disease. Foliar fungicides are not recommended.

For additional information, visit one of the following resources:

Bacterial Blight. 2014. Soybean Research & Information Initiative. North Central Soybean Research Program.

Bacterial Blight. 2015. Laboratory for Soybean Research, University of Illinois.