The biggest piece of the U of I Extension mission is sharing research knowledge with the public. The College of ACES (Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences) has been running a Twitter campaign called #askACES, in which researchers are given the opportunity to answer questions from the live #askACES Twitter feed for an hour-long chat session. After the live session, you can still scroll through the Twitter feed to see the questions and answers.
The most recent edition featured University of Illinois weed scientists Dr. Aaron Hager and Dr. Patrick Tranel as they discussed herbicide resistant weeds and how to manage them. The take-away message from the chat was encapsulated by this tweet —"Think differently. Behave differently. Diversify however you can. Not every practice fits on every acre."
Following the Twitter chat, Hager and Tranel also recorded a podcast expanding on the topic of herbicide resistance management. In this interview they explain more about the science behind herbicide resistant weeds, the problems they pose to food production, and what farmers and the agriculture industry are doing about it. You can listen to this podcast by following the link: