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Our Illinois 4-H Story

Growing tomorrow's leaders starts right at home in Logan County

Sometimes, the best teachers are those who once learned the same lessons in the same setting. 4-H alumna Rachel Skelton, who currently serves on the Illinois State 4-H Youth Leadership Team, returned to Logan County to teach teambuilding skills to the 4-H Leadership class.

"She really made this fun," said Hannah, a 4-H participant.

4-H members were tasked with finding solutions to a series of challenges all leaders face. In the end, youth were able to list the traits needed by good leaders and more able to identify their own leadership style. Participants now carry Rachel's lessons back to their own local 4-H clubs.


Judy Mae Bingman, University of Illinois Extension Marketing and Communications Manager

Judy uses powerful words and photography to tell the Extension story. She is a skilled communication strategist and storyteller with demonstrated success in building teams and creating strong organizational brand identities that deepen Extension’s impact among key audiences, build brand loyalty, strengthen employee talent, and expand public engagement. She is a frequent conference presenter at the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Conference and helps Extension staff across the nation tell compelling stories.