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Refill Your Cup with Self-Care

What is Self-Care and Why is it so Important?

What do you think of when you hear the words self-care? These words may invoke images of a beach vacation, getting a massage, or taking time to indulge in curling up with your favorite book. These are all indeed ways we might take a little time for ourselves to recharge our battery so to speak.

Self-care however, is not exclusive of pampering oneself. In fact, some say comfort is not the goal of self-care! While self-care is not a written script, and each individual has different needs, the practice of self-care may also include:

  • learning how to set boundaries
  • sticking to boundaries
  • increasing self-awareness
  • setting personal goals
  • stepping outside of your comfort zone

I agree, some of these techniques may not sound as appealing as a bubble bath or taking a luxury vacation. Some of these strategies may even require a little, dare we say, work. The essence of self-care is about staying connected to ourselves and being true to who we are and how we want to be. Together, we will explore all of these self-care techniques throughout the months to come.

Just why is self-care so important you may be asking yourself…My favorite analogy is that of the instructions given before taking off in an airplane. Those instructions are that in case of emergency, please remember to put your own oxygen mask on before attempting to help others. Simply stated, we must first give ourselves what we need before we can help or give to others.

Why then, for many of us, is it so much easier to help others before ourselves? To that question, I'm still searching for the answer! If you would like, please share your thoughts.