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Refill Your Cup with Self-Care

Igniting the energy of fire

This week, our journey of the five elements brings us to the element of fire. The Sanskrit name for fire is Tejas, which means “light” or “brilliance”. The qualities of this element include energy, warmth, radiance and transformation.

In nature, the sun offers the warmth of fire. In the physical body, the digestive system provides the fire to assimilate the nutrients in our food. On the psycho-emotional level, fire is the power of transforming difficult feelings, emotions and life experiences. This “fire in the belly” is the seat of confidence, self-esteem, and strong will. Fire is active, it is building, it inspires action. 

The fire element asks us to turn our attention to what we consume. In addition to the food we eat, we consume via the books we read, movies we watch, and conversations we watch. Just as one may feel lethargic after eating too much, one’s brilliance may also be dimmed by an overload of sensory input.  

Opportunities to build your fire include lacking the motivation to start a new project, feeling low self-esteem, and experiencing difficulty processing emotions.

If you are looking for ways to build your personal fire, you might consider the following

  • Stepping out of your comfort zone: Try something new. It could be a new hobby, new recipe, or maybe even making a new friend. Challenge yourself.
  • Write out action steps to a goal: Start with that first step, no matter how small. Accomplishing things that are important to you help to boost self-confidence and self-esteem.  
  • Abdominal work: Yes, exercising your abdominal muscles helps build that fire in your belly.
  • Ujjayi (oo-jai) Breath: Also known as “victory breath”. Practicing Ujjayi builds energy and internal body heat.
  • Yoga postures: Navasana, Parivrtta Trikonasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, twists, and plank pose.

To experience the benefits a well kindled fire, I suggest choosing a technique or two and practicing it on a daily basis for at least a week. It might be helpful to take notes or journal your experience. Be aware of enhanced feelings of energy, confidence, and determination.