Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) webinar will be offered during Mondays in April, beginning April 7, through April 28, from 6:00-8:00 pm. The webinar is designed to provide information to growers on how to keep produce safe- from production to the market. The past few years we've all seen and heard about examples of where food has been contaminated and the result has been catastrophic. Infection with E coli and other organisms has made headlines with cantaloupe, lettuce, beef and other foods. GAP's training discusses methodologies to reduce potential contamination. Topics of this webinar will include: What is GAP's; Water quality and testing; Soil management; Record keeping; Traceback, etc.
Each registered participant will receive GAPs manual and related handouts. There is a $15 fee per participant and pre-registration along with pre-payment is required by April 2, 2014 so that your handouts can be shipped.