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Join the Illinois Extension Climate Steward Program

Ready to help change the world? Become an Illinois Extension Climate Steward!
Event Date(s)
Online plus field trips
Event Fee
Rock Island

Climate change is a global issue with community-level solutions

The world is changing, and we're seeing the impacts every day in Illinois. Weather patterns have shifted significantly in the past century, with Illinois experiencing warmer temperatures and more precipitation. Intense rainfalls have led to increased urban and rural flooding, while summer drought stress and potential water shortages have become more frequent.

Small changes at the local level can have a big impact

The Illinois Extension Climate Steward program is a comprehensive course designed to train environmental stewards in effective communication about climate change and engagement in local solutions. Our vision is to build resilient communities and ecosystems in a changing climate in Illinois and beyond.

Climate Steward participants will gain:

  • A deep understanding of the social and emotional aspects of environmental, conservation, and climate work
  • The skills to communicate the science behind global warming and climate change
  • Examples of local adaptation, mitigation, and resilience efforts

Program Details:

  • This hybrid learning course will run from August 19 to November 22.
  • During the course, 3 on line Zoom meetings will be given on September 16, October 7 and October 28 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm.  (these will be recorded for later viewing if you miss.) 
  •  We are also planning two in-person meetings and field trips. 
  • Cost is $200. 

More About the Program
Illinois Extension Climate Stewards launched in 2024. It combines classroom, online, and field experiences in earth systems, water, energy, and agriculture using research-based practices. It will also include communication training, participatory science, and community service opportunities. 

The course also includes:

  • An overview of state and local climate policies.
  • 36 hours of live presentations and readings
  • Discussions with topics experts and advocates
  • Units 1 and 2: Communication and Community Building
  • Topics: Psychological, social, and cognitive science of communication; trauma-aware education
  • Units 3 and 4: Climate Science
  • Topics: Soil and water; greenhouse effect; climate modeling programs; impacts on Illinois; energy 
  • Units 5 and 6: Community resilience and capstone
  • Topics: Mitigation and adaptation; environmental justice; assessing climate vulnerability; community presentations

After certification, Illinois Extension Climate Stewards are encouraged to volunteer in activities ranging from community and participatory science, land and water stewardship, environmental justice and civic engagement, and education and interpretation activities.
The Illinois Extension Climate Stewards curriculum is licensed from University of California, Davis, and has been adapted for the Midwest and Illinois.

We are pleased to be one of the four Extension offices offering the program in fall 2024 along with: Champaign, Ford, Iroquois, Vermilion counties; Mclean, Livingston, Woodford counties; and Coles, Cumberland, Douglas, Moultrie, Shelby counties. y counties.

If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate, please contact