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Chick, Chick, Chick by MacMillan, a 13 minute movie

Books from Juvenile Card Catalogue

Ada, Alma F. Mediopollito: Half-Chicken. Bantam Doubleday Dell Bks. (1997).

Adams, Georgie. Nanny Fox & the Christmas Surprise. Bantom Doubleday Dell Bks. (1996).

Adshead, Paul. The Chicken That Could Swim. Childs Play International. (1996).

Aliki, The Eggs: A Great Folk Tale. Trophy Picture Books. (1994).

Alonso, Fernando. Little Red Hen. Santillana USA Publishing Co. Inc. (1989).

Auch, Mary J. Eggs Mark the Spot. Holiday House, Inc. (1996).

Auch, Mary J. Hen Lake. Holiday House, Inc. (1995).

Auch, Mary J. Peeping Beauty. Live Oak Media. (1995).

Auch. Mary J. The Easter Egg Farm. Holiday House, Inc. (1992).

The Big Blue Easter Egg. Nesak International. (1996).

Banta, Susan. My Little Chicks. Western Publishing Co. Inc. (1996).

Barson, Bob. Best and Dearest Chick of All. Orca Book Publishers. (1994).

Barton, Byron. The Little Red Hen. Harper Collins Children’s Books. (1997).

Bassett, Jeni C. The Chicks’ Truck. Dutton Child Books, Division of Penguin USA. (1995).

Bowman, Eddie. Roddy the Rooster. Ozark Publishing. (1997).

Bowring, Ian. Exploding Egg. Angus & Robertson at Harper and Collins Children’s Books (1994).

Bray, Marian. World’s Biggest Chicken. Chariot Victor Publishing. (1992).

Brett, Jan. Five Lost Chicks. Scholastic Inc. (1997).

Bruce, Jill B. Whose Chick Is That? Seven Hills Book Distributers, Division of Books for the Decorative Arts, Inc.. (1995).

Burgess, Beverly C. Chicken Little Conquests Fear. Harrison House, Inc. (1987).

Butterworth, Oliver. Eggs: You Won’t Believe Your Eyes. Little, Brown & Company. (1993).

Byars, Betsy C. Good-Bye, Chicken Little. Harper Collins Children’s Books. (1990).

Calhoun, B. B. Scrambled Eggs. W. H. Freeman. (1995).

Ceracine. Marc. Godzilla Sound Book. Random House, Inc.. (1996).

Chicken Licken. International Book Center. (1987).

Clement, Claude. The Hungry Duckling. RD Assn. (1992).

Coltman, Paul. Tinker Jim. Farrar, Straus & Gerioux, Inc. (1992).

Conway, Lorraine. Heredity & Embryology. A Judy/Instructo Co. Division of Simon & Schuster. (1980).

Cousins, Lucy. Hen on the Farm. Candlewick Press, Division of Quantium Dynamics, Inc. (1992).

Coxe, Molly. Big Egg. Random Books Young Readers, Division of Random House, Inc. (1997).

Creighton, Jill. 8 O’Clock. Scholastic Inc. (1997).

Delton, Judy. Eggs with Legs. Dell Publishing Co. Inc, Division of Bantom Doubleday Dell. (1992).

Demi. Little Chick Chick. Putnam Publishing Group a member of Penguin Putnam, Inc. (1992).

Denchfield, Nick. Charlie the Chicken. Harcourt Brace & Co., Division of Harcourt General. (1997).

DeRubertis, Barbara. Penny Hen. The Kane Press, Division of ane Publishing. (1996).

Dunres, Oliver. The Painter Who Loved Chickens. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc. (1995).

Ehrlich, Amy. Buck-Buck the Chicken. Random Books for Young Readers, Division of Random House, Inc. (1987).

Foster, Karen S. Goodnight My Little Chicks. First Story Press. (1996).

Fowler, Keitz, Mary C. Grandma’s Brown Eggs. Redbud Pr MI. (1995).

Fowler, Richard. Little Chick’s Big Adventure. Harcourt Brace & Co., Div of Harcourt General.

Fox, Mem. Hattie & the Fox. Simon & Schuster Children’s, Division of Simon & S hurstr, Inc. A Viacom Co. (1992).

Fuzzy Little Chick. Joshua Morris Publishing, Inc. (1995).

Galdone, Paul. Little Red Hen. Ticknor & Fields Books for Young Readers. (1987).

Gerver Jane E. Chicky Basket. Random House Inc. (1996).

Gilman, Phoebe. Little Blue Hen. Scholastic Inc. (1989).

Golden Book Staff. The Golden Egg Book. Western Publishing Co. Inc. (1995).

Goques, Robert.The Almost True Story of Scrawny Chicken. Two Starz Productions. (1997).

Gorbaty, Norman. Chickie Stop & Go. Simon & Sschuster Chirldren’s, Division of Simon & Schuster. (1995).

Graham, Bob. Queenie, One of the Family. Candlewick Press, Division of Quantium Dynamics, Inc. (1997).

Gregorich, Barbara. Nine Men Change a Hen. School Zone Publishing Co. (1992).

Hall, Nancy A. Los Pollitos Dicen/The Baby Chicks Sing. Little, Brown & Co. (1994).

Halperin, Wendy A. When Chickens Grow Teeth: A Story from the French of Guy de Maupassant. Orchard Books Subsidiary of Grolier Inc. (1996).

Harrell Janice. The Great Egg Bust. Minstrel Books PB (1993).

Hawbecker, Laura B. Mr. Goolis: The Chicken That Woke Up. Ding Dong Press. (1996) .

Hopkins, Margaret. Easy Does It. The Tale of Excitable Sam. Scholastic Inc.

Houghton Miffin Company Staff. The Talking Egg. Houghton Mifflen. (1993).

Jenkins, Priscilla B. Nest Full of Eggs. Harper Collins Children’s Books. (1995).

Joyce, William. Bently & Egg. Harper Collins Children’s Books. (1992).

Kneen, Maggie. The Great Egg Hunt. Nesak International. (1996) .

The Longest Easter Egg. Chronicle Books, Cronicle Publishing Co. (1994).

Macaulay, David. Why the Chicken Crossed the Road. Houghton Mifflen. (1991).

Martin & Martin Staff. Chicks Chicks Sticks Sticks. Simon & Schuster Children’s Simon & Schuster Trade, Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., A Viacom Co. (1995).

Martin, David. Little Chicken Chicken. Candlewick Press Division of Quantum Dynamics, Inc.. (1996).

Mathers, Petra. Lottie’s New Beach Towel. Simon & Schuster Trade, Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., A Viacom Co. (1998).

Maxwell, Cassandre. Yousef’s Gift of Many Colors: An Easter Story. Augsbury Fortress Press Publishing House of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. (1993).

McDonnell, Janet. Spring: New Life Everywhere. Children’s Press. (1993).

McKelvey, David. Bobby the Mostly Silky. Corona Publishing Co. (1984).

McKissack, Patricia & McKissack, Fredrick. La Gallinita Roja: The Little Red Hen. Childrens Press. (1986).

Min, Laura. Mrs. Saato’s Hens. Second Edition. Addison-Wesley Longmon. (1994).

Mollel, Tololwa M. Kele’s Secret Stock. NAL-Dutton, Division of Penguin USA. (1997).

Morgan, Michaels and Kemp, Moira. Helpful Betty Solves a Mystery. The Lerner Publishing Group. (1994).

Mutz, Marsha. Henny Penny: A Folktale Play for Children. Curiosity Canyon Press.


Numeroff, Laura J. The Chicken Sisters. Harper Collins Children’s Books. (1997).

One Carton of Oops! The McGraw Hill Co. (1997).

Oskley, Graham. Hetty & Harriet. Simon & Schuster Children’s, Simon &. Schuster Trade, A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. A Viacom Co. (1982).

O’Brien, Claire. Barn Party. LKC. (1997).

O’Connor, Jane and O’Conner, Robert. Super Cluck. Harper Collins Children’s Books. (1991).

Peet. Bill. Pinkish, Purplish, Bluish Egg. Houghton Mifflin (1973).

Pinkney, Jerry, The Talking Egg. Dial Books for Young Readers. (1996).

Pledger, Maurice. The Adventures of Charlie Chick. Thunder Bay Advan Mktg Servs. (1996).

Pogorelsky, Anthony. The Black Hen. Smithmark Publishers Inc.

Polacco, Patricia, Pechenka’s Eggs. Putnam Publishing Group a member of Penguin Purnam, Inc.

Pomerantz, Charlotte. Here Comes Henny. Greenwillow Books Division of William Morrow & Co., Inc. (1994).

Porte, Barbara. A Chicken’s Chickens! Orchard Bks Subsidiary of Grolier Inc. (1995).

Quarkenbush, Robert. Sherlock Chick & the Case of the Night Noises. Parents Magazine Press. (1990).

Quackenbush, Robert. Sherlock Chick & the Giant Egg Mystery.Parents Magazine Press.

Quackerbush, Robert. Sherlock Chick & the Peekaboo Mystery. Parents Magazine Press. (1987).

Reasoner, Charles. Who’s Hatching? Price Stern Sloan member of Putnam Buckley Group, Inc. (1994).

Reiser, Lynn W. The Surprise Family. Greenwillow Books Division of William Morrow & Co. Inc. (1994).

Routiaus, Claudine. The Hen with the Wooden Leg.Child’s World. (1991).

Ross, Tom. Eggbert, the Slightly Cracked EggPutnam Publishing Group a member of Penguin Putnam, Inc. (1994).

San Souci, Robert D. The Talking Eggs. Dial Books for Young Readers. (1989).

Scarry, Richard. The Little Red Hen. Western Publishing Co. Subsidiary of Western Publishing Group, Inc. (1993).

Schertle, Alice. Down the Road. Browndeer Pr) Harcourt Brace & Co. Division of Harcourt General. (1995).

Schmidt, Karen L. Chicken Little. Putnam Publishing Group a member of Penguin Putnam, Inc. (1986).

Sheldon, Dyan. Harry & Chicken. Candlewick Press Division of Quantum Dynamics, Inc. (1992).

Smee, Nicole. Three Little Chicks. Scholastic Inc. (1994).

Smithmark Publishers, Inc. Staff. Charlie Chick. Smithmark Publishing Inc. (1997).

Spohn, Kate. Chick’s Daddy. Random Books for Young Readers Division of Random House, Inc. (1998).

Stine, R. L. Chicken Chick: Goosebumps. Scholastic Inc. (1997).

Stoeke, Janet M. A Friend for Minerva Louise. Dutton Children’s Books, Division of Penguin USA.

Stoeke, Janet M. A Hat for Minerva Louise. Dutton Children’s Books, Division of Penguin USA. (1994).

Stoeke, Janet M. Minerva Louise at School. Dutton Children’s Books, Division of Penguin USA. (1996) .

Swan, Walter. Brenda the Cos & The Little White Hen. Swan Enterprises. (1989).

Sykes. Julie. Dora’s Eggs. Little Tiger Press. (1997).

Taylor, Nicole. Baby. Creative Education, Inc. (1993).

Teubner, Christian. Ultimate Chicken. Viking Penguin Division of Penguin USA. (1997).

Vincent, Courtney. Virtual Fred. McKay, David Co., Inc. Subsidiary of Random House Inc.. (1996).

Waddle, Martin. John Joe & the Big Hen. Candlewick Press Division of Quantum Dynamics, Inc. (1995).

Wallace, Karen. My Hen Is Dancing. Candlewick Press Division of Quantum Dynamics, Inc. (1994).

Waring, Richard. Fairy Tale Fox. The Lerner Publishing Group. (1997).

Wells, Rosemary. Max’s Chocolate Chicken. Dial Books for Young Readers. (1989).

Weiss, Nicki. An Egg Is an Egg. Putnam Publishing Group, a member of Penguin Putnam, Inc.. (1996).

Williams, Garth.Chicken Book. Dial Books for Young Readers. (1989).

Wormell, Christopher. A Number of Animals. Creative Education, Inc.. (1993).

Wormell, Mary, Hilda Hen’s Happy Birthday. Harcourt Brace & Co. Division of Harcourt General. (1995).

Wormell, Mary. Hilda Hen’s Scary Night. Harcourt Brace & Co. Division of Harcourt General. (1996).

Wormell, Mary. Hilda Hen’s Search. Harcourt Brace & Co Division of Harcourt General. (1994).

Ziefert, Harriet. Henny Penny. Viking Penguin Division of Penguin USA. (1997).

Ziefert, Harriet. Pete’s Chicken. Viking Penguin Division of Penguin USA. (1998).

Zimmerman. H. Werner. Polita Chiquita: (Henny Penny). Scholastic Inc. (1991).

Non-fiction Books

Blanchet, Francoise, What to do with...An Egg, Barron's Woodbury, New York, (1979).

Eggcyclopedia, American Egg Board, 1460 Renaissance Drive, Park Ridge, IL 60068.

Garelick May, What's Inside?, Scholastic Book Services, New York, (1968).

Griffin, Margaret, The Amazing Egg Book, Addison Wesley, (1989).

Helwig, Hans, Farm Animals, Random House, New York, (1978).

Lauber, Patricia, What's Hatching Out of the Egg?, Crown Publishers, New York, (1975).

Milgrom, Harry, Egg-ventures, First Science Experiments, E. P. Dutton, New York, (1974).

Nassiet, Claude, Egg Art, Drake Publishers, New York, (1971).

Pflug, Betsy, Egg-speriment, J. B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, (1973).

Provensen, A and M, Who's In The Egg?, Golden Press, New York, (1970).

Selsam, Millicent, All About Eggs, William R. Scott, New York, (1952).

Books on Egg Art

Arnold, Susan, Eggshells to Objects: A New Approach to Egg Craft, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York, (1979).

Coskey, Evelyn, Easter Eggs for Everyone, Abingdon Press, Nashville, (1973).

Dunne, Robert L., Egg Carton Critters, Walker, New York, (1978).

Newsome, Arden J., Egg Craft, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., New York, (1973).

Riotte, Louise, Egg Decorating, Drake, New York, (1973).

Szilvasy, Linda N. The Jeweled Egg: A Comprehensive Guide to Design and Creation of Decorated Eggs, Association Press, New York, (1976).

Magazine Articles

Awbrey, Maureen Jessen, "Humpty Dumpty Scrambled Eggs" Science and Children Magazine, September (1989).

"Eggs the Inside Story", Chem Matters, December (1984).

Eichman, Julia, and Lundstrum, Chad, "End Diffusion Confusion" Science Scope, January, (1989).

Myers, Richard L. "The Egg and the Equinox" Science Scope, March, (1989)

"Special Feature: Egg Experiments" Scienceland, April, (1985).

Wheatley, Jack, and Walden, Melanie, "The Case of the Hard-Boiled Detective" Science and Children Magazine, September, (1990).

Books for the Older Student

Balinsky, B. I., An Introduction to Embryology, 5th edition, Saunders College Publishers, Philadelphia

Burton, Robert, Eggs: Nature's Perfect Package, New York, (c1987).

Willian, Anne, Chicken Classics*, Dorling Kendirsley, Inc., N. Y., (1992).


Silverstein, Shel, "I Won't Hatch"