127 S High St, Ste 1 Havana IL 62644-1496
Joli Pierson began her career with University of Illinois Extension in 2000. She first worked in the Family Nutrition Program (FNP) and later the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), presenting nutritional education in Mason County schools and agencies.
In 2012 she became the 4-H Program Coordinator, where she facilitates the Illinois 4-H program in Mason County. She invites youth to be a part of the 4-H program, which offers the elements of belonging, independence, generosity, and mastery. She works to develop the local 4-H volunteer leadership structure, where youth can benefit from the knowledge, experience, skills, and good examples of citizenship that volunteers have to offer. She coordinates a variety of programs, leadership opportunities, and special events for both youth and adults in Mason County.
Learn More
What I Do and Why It Matters: Joli Pierson
Recent Media
Illinois 4-H Alumni Recognition Program honors Mason County volunteer Barb Knake
“Let’s Learn!” experiential learning theme develops self confidence in 4-H youth
4-H Federation Service Learning Food Drive Helps Provide Healthy Food to County Pantries
Mason County Kountry Kritters 4-H Club Meet for an Intergenerational Experience
Mason County 4-H Federation Members Spread Holiday Cheer Along with an Important Message
Mason County 4-H Federation "Joy Project 2021" promotes mental, emotional, and social health