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College Readiness


Blog Posts

ISPP Scholar Alex Sprinkle
Read article: In his own words: Alex Sprinkle
In his own words: Alex Sprinkle
As an ISPP Scholar, Alex Sprinkle is appointed to with the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, Juliana Stratton. His work is focused on bolstering the...
To Do written on clipboard
Read article: What is your financial fall to-do?
What is your financial fall to-do?
Financial to-dos take a while to carry out, and they are often mentally challenging too. I like to pick one “to-do” at a time to work on. With kids...
mason jar full of coins that spilled over onto carpet
Read article: Income and expenses for college students
Income and expenses for college students
The new school year brings a lot of excitement and maybe some new responsibilities. Those responsibilities could be paying housing expenses or...
2023 ISPP Scholar MC Anderson stands by IBHE sign
Read article: In her own words: Maria Cynthia (MC) Anderson
In her own words: Maria Cynthia (MC) Anderson
As an ISPP Scholar, Maria Cynthia (MC) Anderson is appointed with the Illinois Board of Higher Education....

News Releases

Five youth walking on sidewalk and laughing
Hispanic 4-H Juntos Family Experience set for March 27
DEKALB, Ill. - Mark your calendar for the Hispanic 4-H Juntos Family Experience on Thursday, March 27, from 1 – 4 PM, at Rock Valley College, Main Campus Stenstrom Center, at 3301 N Mulford Rd. in Rockford. This event will be presented primarily in Spanish and includes presentations on college...
Headshot of Felicity Emmerich
Local student recipient of $1,000 Grundy 4-H Scholarship
MORRIS, Ill – The University of Illinois Extension 4-H program in Grundy County this week announced the recipient of the 2023 Grundy County 4-H Scholarship.  Recognizing a recent graduating senior or college student in their final year of 4-H enrollment, the scholarship recognizes the...


Roxana Cejeda

Roxana Cejeda

4-H Youth Readiness and New Audiences Outreach Associate