
News Spotlight

Celebrate spring with the return of the Rain Garden Rumble native plant playoff 

URBANA, Ill. — What’s a little friendly competition between plants? The annual Rain Garden Rumble returns this spring, giving nature and gardening enthusiasts a chance to root for their favorite native plants. 

Record-high results for 2025 Illinois Performance Tested Bull Sale

URBANA, Ill. — Strong tradition leads to strong results at the Illinois Performance Tested Bull Sale at the Illinois State Fairgrounds. The sale held during the Illinois Beef Expo averaged $7,096 on 33 lots, reaching an all-time record-high average for the sale.

"This sale continues to be…

Genomic tools provide clearer view of health for endangered bats

URBANA, Ill. — How do wildlife researchers know when an endangered population is sick? They can detect infectious microbes in animal waste, but the presence of a microbe doesn’t always equate to impactful symptomatic infections. In a new study, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign researchers…

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Uninvited guest in our homes: Radon
Freeport, Ill. - With the cool fall weather upon us, our thoughts turn to closing up the house tight for the winter. Most of us do a fall cleaning to collect up the last of that summer pollen and dust, check the batteries in the smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, and make sure windows...
2016 Christian County 4-H “Stockman” Awards Presented T
The Christian County Stockman Awards were presented at the Christian County 4-H Foundation Auction held July 28 at the Christian County Fairgrounds. This was the second Del Adcock, member of the Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, won the Senior Grand Stockman. Alec Myers, of the Edinburg Warriors 4-H...

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