Grades 7-8
Increasing Our Knowledge
How poultry are hatched commercially
- Visit a hatchery and see how birds are hatched commercially. If a hatchery is not available, read a pamphlet or book about one. Borrow slides from the Extension Office that show a commercial poultry operation.
- Draw a chart comparing a commercial hatchery to how a hen cares for eggs.
- Draw a map of Illinois showing where poultry is produced. Make a list of state and national hatcheries.
Study embryonic development
- Break out fertile and infertile eggs and describe their differences.
- Incubate fertile eggs and candle them each day. Break out one egg each day and preserve the embryo in a jar of alcohol.
- Keep a record of your observations and compare them to embryo development charts.
- Give a demonstration on preparing embryo sets.
Know Incubation requirements
- Write a list of requirements to consider when incubating eggs.
- Draw a chart with incubation requirements for several species of poultry.
- Give an incubation demonstration.
Know brooding requirments
- Write a list of requirements to consider when brooding chicks.
- Make a brooder box.
Feathering in growing birds
- Observe feathering in growing chicks.
- Discuss what down looks like and how new feathers come in.
- Collect several types of feathers.
- List several functions of feathers in birds.
- Use feathers or "down" to make something useful.
Give a demonstration
- Demonstrate how to prepare an incubator for eggs, build an incubator or candler, candle fertile and infertile eggs or prepare eggs in a recipe.
Record Observations
- Keep a journal, portfolio, or notebook on the life of an embryo and/or chick.
- Write a short story describing development in embryos and young birds.
- Prepare charts and graphs to show changes during incubation and to record the information requested in the 4-H Record pages.
Keep Records
- Use 4-H record to keep records of numbers of eggs set, broken-out and hatched.
- Keep a record of chick mortality.
- Keep a record of incubation and brooding temperatures. Keep a record of weather conditions and maximum and minimum temperatures for each day. Keep a record of any problems encountered during the incubation period.
- Observe and record the changes which occur before, during and after hatch.
- Compare these changes to other birds and mammals.
- Prepare a report--journal, diary, portfolio of records kept during incubation and after hatching.