When you receive your incubator:
Wash it thoroughly with a damp cloth using a diluted bleach solution; then let dry. |
Set it up away from drafts, direct sunlight, and traffic path. |
Regulate the temperature between 99 degrees - 103 degrees F for two to seven days before you begin incubation of fertile eggs. Maintain room temperature between 70 degrees and 75 degrees F.
Make sure you have a reliable and accurate thermometer.
Be sure the thermometer is placed at egg level.
Fill water rings in bottom of incubator with distilled water and keep full. |
Incubation Check List
Wash your hands thoroughly before setting eggs in the incubator. Wash your hands after setting eggs in the incubator. |
Be sure the incubator water channels are full of water. Refill with water that is at room temperature. |
Mark an "x" on one side and an "o" on the other side of each egg with a pencil. |
Best day of week to set your fertile eggs is on a Tuesday or Wednesday. |
Regulate temperature between 99 degrees F. and 103 degrees F., most preferably at 100.5 degrees F., if using a still air incubator. |
Turn your fertile eggs three times a day beginning on day two until the 18th day of incubation. |
Wash your hands thourougly before and after handling the eggs. Keep records on turning the eggs. |
Candle eggs on day 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and after 21. Do not candle after day 18 until you are sure that hatching is complete. |
At the End of Day 18
Place a thin layer of cheese cloth over the wire rack, then place the eggs on the cheese cloth. |
Add wet sponges to bottom channels to increase moisture, and if your incubator has vent plugs, remove them as appropriate. |
When chicks hatch, lower incubator temperature to 95 degrees F. Do not remove chicks from incubator until they are dry and fluffy. |
When Hatching Begins -- Day 21
Set up a brooder box. |
Get out feeder and waterer. |
Place wood shavings or other suitable litter in the bottom of the brooder box. |
Regulate the temperature around 95 degrees F. |
Provide water and feed for chicks after they are placed in the brooder box. Place marbles or rocks in the waterer to keep chicks from drowning. |
Return hatched chicks to the Extension Office or take them to the farm at the agreed upon time. |
After Hatch
Clean your incubator with a diluted bleach solution. |
Allow to dry. |
Wash and dry feeder and waterer. |
Put incubator and other equipment away for next year. |
Return evaluation. |
This information was adapted from materials prepared by Gary S. Davis, North Carolina State University, and K. W. Koelkebeck, University of Illinois by Sandra L. Lignell.