Grazing Lands News
Formerly the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative or GLCI, the National Grazing Lands Coalition was founded to provide high quality technical assistance on privately owned grazing lands on a voluntary basis and to increase the awareness of the importance of grazing land resources. ...
Uninvited guest in our homes: Radon
Freeport, Ill. - With the cool fall weather upon us, our thoughts turn to closing up the house tight for the winter. Most of us do a fall cleaning to collect up the last of that summer pollen and dust, check the batteries in the smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, and make sure windows...
2016 Christian County 4-H “Stockman” Awards Presented T
The Christian County Stockman Awards were presented at the Christian County 4-H Foundation Auction held July 28 at the Christian County Fairgrounds. This was the second Del Adcock, member of the Blue Ribbon 4-H Club, won the Senior Grand Stockman. Alec Myers, of the Edinburg Warriors 4-H...