URBANA, Ill. Severe thunderstorms, tornados, and strong winds sometimes damage trees, flowers, and lawns.
An EF-3 tornado that hit Northern Illinois in June destroyed several 100-year-old trees. Homeowners in Woodridge and Naperville struggled to find the best ways to clean up and restore trees in their communities.
University of Illinois Extension educators help homeowners assess the damage and prevent damage in the future.
“Trees are usually very resilient to damage,” says Ryan Pankau, horticulture educator. “When a storm or disease takes out parts of a tree, it exposes the other trees in the area differently. You may continue to see damage to them years down the line.”
Pankau suggests calling a certified arborist to inspect damaged trees.
“With enough wind and enough force, no amount of pruning or inspection is going to stop that tree from coming down,” says Pankau. “Arborists can stack the odds in your favor.”
To find a list of certified arborists, one may visit Treesaregood.org.
To learn more about the trees and how homeowners can respond to damage, read the full article at: https://go.illinois.edu/TreeDamageRecovery.
SOURCE: Ryan Pankau, Horticulture Educator, University of Illinois Extension
WRITER: Erin Wunderlich, Writer, University of Illinois Extension
ABOUT EXTENSION: Illinois Extension leads public outreach for University of Illinois by translating research into action plans that allow Illinois families, businesses, and community leaders to solve problems, make informed decisions, and adapt to changes and opportunities.