905 S Goodwin Ave 520 Bevier Hall, Urbana IL 61801
Louise Vargas is the is the Family and Consumer Science Policy Systems and Environment (PSE) Visiting Outreach Associate. In this role, she provides support to the SNAP-Ed PSE staff throughout the state by developing materials to support local work and supporting the SNAP-Ed PSE Senior Manager on other statewide projects.
Louise began her time with Illinois Extension SNAP-Ed Program Coordinator serving Macon, Piatt, and DeWitt counties and later transitioned into the SNAP-Ed Extension Educator serving the same counties. She worked with sites and agencies that serve SNAP-eligible audiences such as schools, food pantries, daycares, and more to improve their nutritional environments. Her work included adjusting food pantry layouts to promote healthy choices, providing signs and recipe cards that promote healthy choices, working with sites to develop or edit nutrition and wellness policies, and working with community partners on community-wide initiatives to improve nutrition and wellness environments.
Louise earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology with a Cell and Molecular concentration from the University of Cincinnati and a Master of Public Health with a concentration in Behavioral Science and Health Education from Saint Louis University. She worked with the SNAP Outreach team at the St. Louis Area Foodbank for her Master's internship.