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Environment Videos

Microplastic Pollution: The Big Problem with Tiny Plastic

Plastic is the most common debris found in oceans and lakes. Microplastics are smaller than a grain of rice, and scientists don’t fully understand their impact on aquatic ecosystems, especially in the Great Lakes. Researchers are exploring the scope of the problem, as well as what potential...

Fungus Among Us: An Insight to Fungi in Illinois Ecosystems

There's more to mushrooms than meets the eye.

Fungi are more than a pathogen eating your trees or the mushroom in your meals. Not a plant or an animal, fungi are dynamic organisms that help decompose and recycle the nutrients in organic materials and form beneficial relationships with...

Protect Our Dark Skies: How to Limit Light Pollution

Starry nights are only possible when we turn out the lights.

The sky is a natural wonder that unites everyone in Illinois, our nation, and the world. The Milky Way, the orange glow of Jupiter, the constellations Orion, and the Big Dipper all capture our attention and fill us with awe....

New Invaders: Spotted Lanternfly

Spotted lanternfly is the newest “unwanted” invasive pest in Illinois. Learn how to identify and report this invasive insect as well as how to manage it and prevent further spread.

Tricia Bethke from The Morton Arboretum explores why monitoring for spotted lanternflies in winter is...

The Northern Saw-Whet Owl: Our Secretive Winter Neighbors

Unlock the secrets of Illinois’ smallest and most secretive owl species.

The northern saw-whet owl secretly lives in our backyards in the winter. Learn about the latest research, what researchers are looking for, and what we are learning about the birds.

Presented by: Michael...

Providing Natural and Artificial Homes for Bats

Bats are essential to a healthy ecosystem. The species eat insects that are pests to trees, crops, and us. Most bats use trees as their daytime roosts during spring, summer, and fall. If a location has good places for bats to hunt for food, what attracts them to roost on the property?
