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Invasive Species Videos

New Invaders: Spotted Lanternfly

Spotted lanternfly is the newest “unwanted” invasive pest in Illinois. Learn how to identify and report this invasive insect as well as how to manage it and prevent further spread.

Tricia Bethke from The Morton Arboretum explores why monitoring for spotted lanternflies in winter is...

Lake Michigan Quagga Mussel Density

Invasive quagga mussels are so entwined and influential in Lake Michigan’s food web that they are an essential first line of study. Scientists on the R/V Lake Guardian in 2015 measured the density and biomass of quaggas all across the lake using traditional sampling methods like PONAR grab...

How to Identify Nuisance Grass

There are many nuisance grass species. While we may not want to see these grasses out in the field, it’s important to know how to tell them apart from more desirable species.

Identification and Control of Woody Invasive Plants

Invasive shrubs, trees, and vines are a serious threat to native plants and natural areas in Illinois. Species such as Amur honeysuckle and common buckthorn can grow so dense that they nearly block all of the light to the forest floor. Vines, like Oriental bittersweet can wrap around trees so...

Forest Invaders: Common Invasive Plants of Illinois Forests

Presented by Ryan Pankau, Extension Educator, Horticulture Illinois forests are unique plant communities of towering trees as well as tiny, spring wildflowers. Invasive plants threaten native plant diversity in forest communities across Illinois by out-competing our natives for water, light, and...

KILL Your Callery Pear & Burning Bush and plant these instead

Are they invasive? Not legally in the state of Illinois. (Yet!) But we are seeing Callery pear and burning bush escape from our yards into natural areas across the state. Today Ken and Chris talk about these two plants, give some background, and then what we can plant instead of these baddies!...