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The Garden Scoop 2015

Master Gardener Graduation

On Friday, April 17, 44 people celebrated graduation from the 2015 Master Gardener training. Master Gardener training began in late January. Training was held in three offices: Champaign (Champaign County), Danville (Vermilion County), and Onarga (Ford-Iroquois Counties). Over the course of 12...
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The Joys of Botany

A new class of students began Master Gardener training this month. The first class in the program is always Botany; the scientific study of plants. At first many trainees probably wonder why is this class necessary and when will we get to the good stuff like tomato diseases. Perhaps the beauty of...
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Sensational Succulents

When asked about their favorite things, some people may begin their lists with things like raindrops on roses, or maybe whiskers on kittens. The culinarily inclined may mention bright copper kettles, and knitters might include warm woolen mittens. While these are all nice things, I think that any...
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A is for Apple

  Nothing says autumn like apple picking, apple cider, caramel apples, bobbing for apples; apple pie…the list is as endless as the varieties. So where did our love of apples come from? According to the United States Apple Association the crabapple is...
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A Primer on Pollinators, Part 1 - What are Pollinators?

A note from the author: This is the first part of a series of blog posts discussing pollinators. Check back weekly to read the latest entry. Before you read any further, please indulge me for a moment. Close your eyes and take a few seconds to picture your favorite garden produce. Imagine...
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Surround Yourself with Succulents

Gardeners are avid learners who love to try their hand at anything new and exciting. On Tuesday, May 18 Vermilion County Master Gardener, Charlie Collom, presented a Make-it and Take-It Succulent program for the Champaign Master Gardener's regularly monthly program. Members from the community were...
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Tomato hornworms and hummingbird moths are here

After much anticipation, tomato season is finally here but something has been devouring the leaves on your tomato plant and even taken bites out of the green tomatoes. Looking for the culprit you see an enormous alien-looking green caterpillar with white stripes and red dots down its back. Tomato...
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When I am among the trees...

While it's true that I find any gardening/plant-related /horticultural topic fascinating, there's nothing quite like sight of an old, majestic tree to really feel a sense of awe for the plant kingdom. I think it's really interesting to sit beneath a hundred-year-old tree and imagine the path it...
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My Cinderella Story

Warning: this is not a story about prince charming, a fancy ball, or dazzling glass slippers. But, it does include a big, beautiful pumpkin. In early June, a big, fuzzy, vine popped up alongside our cornfield. My husband was courteous to mow around it so we could get a better look. After...
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The Ever-Popular Poinsettia

While we associate many plants with the winter holidays – think of the mistletoe carefully hung in the doorway, or the tree festooned with lights and ornaments – no holiday season is complete without my favorite, the bright and festive poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima). It is interesting...
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Creating a Haven for Hummingbirds

Around April I begin obsessively checking the Hummingbird Migration website. Bird lovers across the state report the first hummingbird seen in their garden. Those sightings are compiled on a map by date and location. It is a great way to predict when they will appear in your yard. This year, I...
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Swizzle Zinnias-Not just a Phase

I think as gardeners we go through phases.  Heirloom vegetables, variegated foliage, miniature hostas, climbing roses, peony trees, ornamental grasses, and so forth; I have certainly had my share of plant phases. Right now I have returned to a phase from my younger gardening days. Zinnias were...
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A Primer on Pollinators, Part 3 - Pollination Syndromes

While words like phalaenophily and psychophily might sound like terms only found in a medical dictionary, pollinator syndromes are actually used to assign certain characterisitics to different flowers. According to the Pollinator Partnership, pollinator syndromes "describe flower characteristics,...
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Lavishing in Lush Landscapes on Garden Walk

On Saturday, June 20 the endless onslaught of rain ceased and the skies brightened up for the 23rd annual Champaign County Master Gardener Garden Walk. An estimated 1400 people were inspired by the 6 homeowner gardens, University of Illinois Pollinatarium and the Master Gardener Idea Garden's. All...
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Horticulture Hotline Happenings

July is the time of the year where plants show their wear. Here are the common problems occurring in homeowner landscapes: 1) Vulnerable Vegetables Heat-loving plants, such as tomatoes, zucchini, and peppers all love hot weather, but not persistent rains. The...
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'Vernalization' Why Plants Need Winter

For those of us who mentally X out each day as January passes and proclaim the best thing about February is that it isn’t January read on... With temperatures falling, schools closing and car batteries dying you may be wondering, “Is winter really necessary?” Being a warm weather person, I would...
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