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Over the Garden Fence 2014

Inside Outside Gardening

Down the Garden Path Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator   The snow continues to melt and rains have begun to rinse away the dirty grunge of winter from the soil that piled up everywhere. While we wait for the last of the snow to go and the ground to warm up before we can plant even those...
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Holiday Trees and Plants

Our daily routine during this time of year is often interrupted with time away from home, having family and friends stop by, planned or unplanned. One of those pleasant interruptions is the live holiday tree and the holiday gift plants you give or receive. Taking care of the tree once it is up and...
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Ode to Dandelions and other Lawn Weeds

Down the Garden Path Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator This column has talked about the many impacts of our 2012 drought and why our trees, shrubs and evergreens have had such a struggle regaining their health and returning to a good annual rate of growth over the past 2 years. Lawns were...
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Deadheading Flowers and Spring Bulbs

Down the Garden Path Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator Our summer season has moved along enough that the some of the flowers in the garden have finished their bloom show and now are in need of bit of help. Deadheading is simple enough, you just remove the old spent blossoms. For flowers with...
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Insects Vacationing In the Home

Down the Garden Path Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator Now that the Holidays and Super bowl Sunday are over and pretty much our lives have returned to a more normal routine, there may be some insects beginning to show up in the pantry or kitchen. Leftover baking goods are usually the culprit...
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Where Did All The Weeds Come From?

Down the Garden Path Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator In China it is the year of the snake, but here in the Midwest most gardeners will agree it seems to be the year of the weed. Weeds are everywhere and are not even slowing down as summer moves along. Master Gardeners have been very busy...
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Out in the Yard in Late November

The weather has caught us all by surprise and there can be some leftover gardening projects still unfinished. If that bag or box of spring flowering bulbs is still sitting in the garage, the ground is not frozen and planting those bulbs will be easy. Follow the directions for proper planting depth...
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Lawns, Bulbs and Vegetables

Home lawns have come alive again as their fall pattern of increased growth has returned. Gardeners need to mow more frequently for the next few weeks to keep up and follow the 1/3 rule of not removing more than 1/3 of the grass blade at any one mowing. A sharp mower blade will also keep the lawn...
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Winter Protection for Young Trees

Lots of tree planting happened in the Fox Valley this past fall. The replanting has been pushed by the continuing tree population decline from the Emerald Ash borer, a boring insect that has now killed millions of ash trees in the Midwest. The other major reason homeowners have replanted trees has...
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Time To Mow

Down the Garden Path Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator The annual passage of winter to spring has begun and the smell of fresh cut grass is in the air. The last week has seen a big green change in the neighborhoods. A few guidelines to having a good-looking lawn do not take us away from what...
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Airline Flights and Springtime Delays

Down the Garden Path Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator Spring is coming, but may be a bit late compared to what we have gotten used to. It is great that plants, insects and wildlife seem to know when it is right to show up. Insects will typically develop right along with their plant hosts and...
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Our Poor Sycamores

Down the Garden Path Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator Just about this time every year, homeowners that have a Sycamore tree in the home landscape begin to notice problems. Leafing out late or seeing a second set of buds and then leaves form is not normal. While Sycamores seem to be the worst...
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Vine Crops – Bugs and Disease

Down the Garden Path Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator Cucumbers, Squash, Zucchini, Pumpkins and Melons are all considered vine crops out there in the garden. Cucumbers are known for attracting cucumber beetles and a disease called cucumber wilt. Squash attract the squash bug and squash vine...
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The Song of the Cicada

Down the Garden Path Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator There has been some recent press covering cicadas in Illinois this summer. While we can have a few cicadas every year, the brood of concern will be invading northwestern Illinois in the summer of 2014. According to the experts that follow...
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Crabapple Scab and Cedar Apple Rust

Down the Garden Path Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator Our beautiful ornamental flowering crabapples that grace so many yards have a couple of foliage diseases that can really impact how they look once the bloom show is gone. Both diseases readily infect the crabapple leaf. Apple Scab (...
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Winter Temperatures, Flower Buds and Rabbits

Down the Garden Path Richard Hentschel, Extension Educator Cold weather has already given peach trees in the home orchard a knock down punch for 2014. When temperatures reach 10 degrees, peach flower buds start to die. For every degree below -10 degrees, we lose another 10% of what was left until...
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