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Good Growing 2015

What's an Invasive Plant & Alternative Options

How familiar are you with invasive plants? What exactly is an invasive plant? By definition according to the Illinois Invasive Species Council an invasive plant is "any species that is not native to that ecosystem, including its seeds, spores, or other biological material capable of propagating...
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Fabulous Fall Plants

The other week I presented to a group of Master Gardeners about Fabulous Fall Plants. There are amazing plants that spice up our landscape in the fall when so much else is worn out and tired. Most of us are probably familiar with the typical pansies, mums, and ornamental kale, but what other plants...
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Putting Small Acres to Work

If you've ever thought about trying a new enterprise on a few acres of ground, you need to consider attending an event that we hope will provide you with some excellent ideas to consider. Many folks are investigating opportunities for some extra income on a few acres while others are simply looking...
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Propagating Houseplants

One of my great loves of plants is that we can create new plants from existing. There are a number of houseplants that are easy to propagate and if you're like me you can never seem to have enough of your favorite plants! When propagating houseplants, there are usually three different methods and...
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Preventing Garden Pests

It didn't seem like February would ever end! Too many cloudy days and too many snowy days just didn't sit well with me. I'd much rather endure the cold with sunshine. But spring is on its way (March 20 is the actual date) and the days are lengthening and soon we'll be in the garden planting. Seed...
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Wet Weather Problems

All this wet weather is creating havoc on area gardens. Plants aren't growing or are barely hanging on and the disease situation is escalating. Many people I've spoken to have complained about their tomato plants, and how they're dying from the bottom up. This is caused by two fungal diseases:...
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Reducing Garden Pest Problems

It didn't seem like February would ever end! Too many cloudy days and too many snowy days just didn't sit well with me. I'd much rather endure the cold with sunshine. But spring is on its way (March 20 is the actual date) and the days are lengthening and soon we'll be in the garden planting. Seed...
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Wet Soils Causing Root Issues

The constant rains and saturated soils have been causing havoc for many growers. Trying to plant, harvest, control weeds and diseases and just about anything related to plant production has been almost impossible. According to my records, 16 of 31 days in May I recorded precipitation, 16 of 30 days...
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Help! My Lilac didn't bloom and other shrub blooming anamolies

In the spring have you ever seen a lilac bush and for some reason maybe there are only blooms at the very top and the sides are barren of flowers or maybe wondered why the poor lilac didn't bloom at all? Maybe the same thing happened to a forsythia bush or any number of other spring blooming shrubs...
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Health Benefits of Gardening

This morning I was working with a group of kids and helping them learn how to garden. We planted tomatoes, peppers, acorn squash, and sunflower seeds. When I was showing them how to plant, one of the things I told them was "the greatest thing about gardening is that you can get dirty and no one can...
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Fall Gardening To Do's

Everywhere you look – fall plants at local garden centers and other locales have arrived. Mums in full bloom, ornamental kale, pansies, pumpkins….fall gardening season has arrived! So what should you be doing in the garden now that it's September? Here are some great fall gardening tips. Any...
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