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Simply Nutritious, Quick and Delicious 2014

Basil leaves on a wooden table.

Perk up your dinner with pesto

Pesto isn’t just for the fine dining of the rich and famous. Rather, it can be a part of the regular ol' American family dinner. While it may seem like a fancy and unnecessary addition to an otherwise tasty meal, its bold taste can elevate a food to a whole new level. Take a simple grilled chicken...
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Chocolate: The Good Halloween Candy

Halloween is this Friday, which means sugar-laden children dressed up as princesses and monsters running through the neighborhood. If you're strong willed, you've been able to resist opening and biting into the candy early, but if you bought the good stuff, like chocolate, you may have had a harder...
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What to Do With Zucchini?

I'm pleased to introduce guest blogger and Illinois State University, Food, Nutrition and Dietetics student, Tessa Spinelli! Since early spring, you have been patiently waiting for your vegetables to grow. Thanks to your hard work, time, and patience, you now have a garden filled with nutritious...
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Should You Salt Water to Cook Pasta?

Do I need to salt the water when cooking pasta? My years of watching cooking shows on TV would tell me “yes.” But this hefty debate between chefs, dietitians, and the like has gone on for years. As a dietitian, my obvious answer is “no!” but it’s not quite as simple as that. There are two main...
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Pass the Cheese, Please

Who doesn't love cheese? Grilled cheese sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, baked lasagna with ooey gooey cheese melted all over it are common cheesy dishes. But with over 2,000 varieties to choose from, it's time to put a little more thought into your cheese choices. Cheese is formed from milk. Milk...
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From My Kitchen to Yours: Giving the Gift of Food

The holiday season is a time of giving, and what's not the perfect gift but a homemade treat from your kitchen? While peanut brittle, fudge, and cookies are a popular and generally safe choice, you'll need to consider a few things before giving away homemade jarred goods, such as jams and jellies,...
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Is Honey Healthier than Sugar?

I get this question all the time: is honey any healthier than granulated sugar? The short answer is no, but there are some differences to make note of. Both honey and sugar are carbohydrates, but each carry different characteristics. While ounce for ounce, the nutrients in honey and table sugar...
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A Fettuccine Alfredo Makeover

I’ve always been a sucker for fettuccine alfredo. I can distinctly remember my very first taste of the creamy white pasta; I was a long-haired junior high kid on vacation with my cousin, and when she ordered the dish at an Italian restaurant, I had to be just like her, so naturally I ordered the...
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Don't Overlook Cauliflower's Potential

Many people find cauliflower bland and uninspiring, and when this colorless vegetable is unseasoned and eaten by itself, I’d have to agree. But you should never underestimate the power of the cauliflower. It’s remarkably versatile with a mild flavor that can work to your advantage, and...
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Making New Years Resolutions Personal

Happy New Year! Now is the time that many people reflect back on the previous year and look forward to a new year with a fresh start. Morning news segments, talk shows, and advertisements are all about giving advice to help you set your new year's resolutions. You'll hear about foods that you...
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Christmas Morning Donuts

Christmas morning breakfast in my house is more than just the usual oatmeal, cereal or smoothie. I admit; it generally consists of an unhealthy Danish, donut or cinnamon roll…but with a bowl of fruit, of course! This year, I am fixing my fellow co-worker's healthier take on Apple Donuts. Donuts...
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Making Your Own Baby Food

As my son is nearing the age of starting solid foods, I've began to contemplate whether or not to make my own baby food. I want my child to receive fresh food with no additives. However, I'm a little daunted just thinking about the work it may involve! Let's think about this a little more… Some...
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Comfort Food Makeover

Tis the season of cooler weather and comfort foods. Nothing warms up the heart better than savory dishes, such as macaroni and cheese, potato soup, meatloaf, or fried chicken. But while these all-star fare are certainly delicious, they're also heavy and high calorie. Lightening up your favorites...
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Is the Perfect Burger Possible?

Burgers are the quintessential all-American grilling favorite. Nothing beats biting into a juicy burger with all the fixings. But when it's dry and under seasoned, it can be a disappointment. Just how do you get the perfect burger? It starts with the right kind of beef. Most grilling experts will...
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Frozen Pops, Too Good to Stop!

A hot summer day often calls for an icy cold treat. While ice cream and popsicles are both adult and kid favorites, they're typically loaded with added sugars and sometimes fat. Luckily, there are numerous frozen snacks that are kid-friendly, healthy, and so simple to make! Stock your fridge and...
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Consider Health Advantages of Spaghetti Squash

The oblong, pale yellow winter squash that you may have seen at the grocery store or farmers market is known as spaghetti squash. It acquired its name for a reason. Once cooked, the flesh is scraped out with a fork into long thin strands that resemble spaghetti noodles. And because spaghetti...
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Spaghetti Squash-A Different Kind of Noodle

Have you ever tried spaghetti squash before? This oblong, yellow winter squash is a fun vegetable the kids will love. Once cooked, the flesh is scraped out with a fork into long thin strands that resemble spaghetti noodles. And because spaghetti squash is not as sweet as its winter squash...
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How Hot is Your Jalapeno?

My husband and I grew jalapeno peppers in our garden this year and made bowl after bowl of fresh salsa. After making a perfectly medium salsa and then a "so fiery hot you want to dip your whole head in a glass of milk" salsa, it made me realize how one type of pepper can have quite a long range in...
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