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Register as a 4-H alum during National 4-H Week

What do Chancellor Robert J. Jones, Coach John Groce, Philanthropist Lila Jeanne Eichelberger, Professor Bruce Fouke, Voice of the Illini Brian Barnhart, and I all have in common? We were 4-H members and can trace where we are now to the lessons we learned in 4-H. In Chancellor Jones' welcome...
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When 4-H really matters

Life-changing. It isn't a term I use lightly or often. It loses its power when used carelessly, yet today, today, I can use no other word to describe Josiah's 4-H journey than life-changing. Josiah just won the Illinois State 4-H Air Rifle Shoot held Saturday in Bloomington, but that isn't why...
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Let generosity guide your walk

Nearly 70 years ago, a young woman walked the same paths you now walk on this beautiful campus. No doubt, even she didn't know then what an influence she would later become to generations of young people attending University of Illinois or young 4-H members. This fall, Lila Jeanne Eichelberger...
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Help us give that 'first look' to Illinois students

Do you remember your first time on the University of Illinois campus? Sure you do. There's something about walking on the quad for the first time that stays with a person. Illinois 4-H wants to be that 'first look at campus' for Illinois young people, and we do it through our Illini Summer...
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Show us your 4-H green

There's a new campaign to grow 4-H membership to 10 million kids by 2025. Grow True Leaders also aims to collect the names of 1 million 4-H alumni. Can we count on you? Whether your 4-H experience was speaking to legislators, whipping up a nutritious meal, leading your 4-H club meeting, spending...
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Illinois 4-H Loves Our Military Youth, So Purple Up! Today

The month of April provides an opportunity to recognize and honor the service of our youngest heroes, military children. Established by former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger in 1986, the designation of April as the Month of the Military Child acknowledges the significant role military youth...
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4-H Celebrates Service During National Volunteer Week

Volunteers are the heart of Illinois 4-H, and the University of Illinois Extension 4-H Youth Development program salutes its 13,000 volunteers during National Volunteer Week, said Patricia McGlaughlin, U of I Extension youth development specialist. Statewide, volunteers support nearly 200,000 4-H...
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Youth to spread the word about Illinois livestock industry

Twenty-one Illinois 4-H members have accepted the challenge to advocate on behalf of 4-H and the livestock industry as the members of the state's first State 4-H Livestock Ambassador Team. "These young people are passionate and knowledgeable about livestock production and management," said Dan...
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ADM adds $25,000 to scholarship fund

Illinois 4-H members pursuing advanced education will benefit from a donation to the Illinois 4-H Foundation. Archer Daniels Midland Company recently donated $25,000 to the Illinois 4-H Foundation to support the Superior Young Producer Award college scholarship program. Each year, 25 $1,000...
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Farm Credit Illinois awards grant money to local clubs

Local 4-H clubs and their members will be improving the local community, thanks, in part, to grants from Farm Credit Illinois. Farm Credit Illinois recently awarded $10,500 to 42 4-H clubs and seven FFA chapters in the area it serves through its annual community improvement grant program. Clubs...
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