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Pollinator Habitat

dried flowers in a garden

Pollinator tips for fall clean up time

Where did summer go?  It seems like we were just enjoying the sun, imagining all the wonderful produce our gardens would make, and looking forward to those lazy days of summer.  But suddenly, the kids are back to school and there’s that unmistakable chill in the evening air.  It’s...
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humming bird

Hummingbirds are on the move

Every spring, I look forward to the return of the hummingbirds. Their aerial antics around the feeder, zooming by with iridescent flashes of green, red, and white, chasing each other with the precision of a tiny fighter jet – they always brighten my day. When will they return and, more importantly...
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spotted moth on leaf

Protecting pollinators: Beyond bees

Approximately 35% of our food crops depend on pollinators to produce what we like to eat, according to the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service. Everyone knows that honeybees are excellent pollinators, but they’re not the only ones visiting our flowers. While honeybees were imported from...
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