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Over the Garden Fence

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native flowers growing by a typical house

Mix it up smart with wildflowers

This spring, you may be thinking about starting a new pollinator or wildflower garden or looking for a quick way to add a few more species to an existing garden.  As you browse the seed aisle, a colorful packet announcing a “wildflower mix” catches your eye.  This would be an easy way to...
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different holiday plants like poinsettia

From gift to growth: Nurturing your holiday plants

The holiday season is that special time of year when family, friends, and neighbors come together to celebrate the conclusion of a year in peace and fellowship. December, specifically, is a great month for holiday horticulture; an entire month dedicated to decorating your house with various plants...
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collection on houseplants in an office

Gardening inside with houseplants

The weather has turned cold, and your gardens have gone to sleep.  But your hands still long to touch the dirt and crave a little green in your life. Consider adding some houseplants to your space!  With a bit of research and forethought, even the brownest thumb can keep their space...
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close up of old jack o'lanterns in a pile

Don’t trash pumpkins this Halloween: Smash them!

Apple cider and crisp fall air call for Halloween festivities and of course, you can’t forget about pumpkins! It would not be an Illinois Halloween if pumpkins were not involved. Jack-o’-lanterns are festive gourds that make great decorations, but what do you do with them after Halloween? Instead...
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Purple Lovegrass in a native bed

Grasses: Beyond the Lawn

Grasses are an often-underappreciated component of landscaping.  They don’t have the showy flowers of many forbs and are thus overlooked.  But when it comes to keeping out weeds, adding structure and winter interest, or preventing erosion, you won’t find much better than grasses.While...
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close up of orange mum with red and yellow in background

Mum's the word

Certain things just say “fall” to me—changing leaves, apple cider, pumpkins, and of course, mums!  This is the time of year every garden store is filled to the brim with mums in every color and size.  With the right care, those blooms will last and maybe even come back next year!...
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red bubblegum machine and matching terrarium

Candy jar terrariums: A nostalgic take on a holiday gift

Leaves and temperatures are falling. Pumpkin spice is in the air. That can only mean that Halloween will soon be here. As we prepare our landscapes and gardens for winter, look towards indoor plant care to warm your mood. Giving plants for the holidays brings a little sunshine and warmth to those...
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man's hand next to purple broccolini floret

A resilient broccoli alternative: Broccolini

Hot summer days may be slowly coming to an end, but that doesn’t mean the growing season has to! Fall crops are a staple in the Midwest, which helps farmers and gardeners prolong the short growing season in Northern Illinois. Cool season crops like broccoli are commonly grown in the Spring and Fall...
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man's hand next to purple broccolini floret

A resilient broccoli alternative: Broccolini

Hot summer days may be slowly coming to an end, but that doesn’t mean the growing season has to! Fall crops are a staple in the Midwest, which helps farmers and gardeners prolong the short growing season in Northern Illinois. Cool season crops like broccoli are commonly grown in the Spring and Fall...
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