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Over the Garden Fence

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Surveying winter damage as spring emerges

We can always count on spring, but we cannot count on how our plants will come through the winter weather. Emails and phone calls coming into our offices are revealing some trends on how our landscape plants faired. A couple that have looked very good this spring are flowering ornamental...
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When can I plant my garden?

2021 gardeners are reporting plant development as much as two weeks earlier than expected. Even the “early asparagus” seems earlier this year. That is a promising thought, though in the back of our minds, we can all remember those late frosts, or even a light freeze, after setting out our vegetable...
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green grass

Get ready for spring by prepping the lawn and mower

The snow is long gone, but it has left us with lawns that, to date, may look pretty sad. Prepare for the spring green up ahead with these tasks. Pick up debris Most lawns have manmade and natural debris scattered about. Clean up can begin with a game we called “pick up sticks.” Twigs, sticks, and...
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Spring FAQs: Is it time to plant yet?

University of Illinois Extension offices always know when spring is on the way based on kind of questions emailed to our Master Gardener Help Desk. As the weather warms up, the messages increase, and here are two common questions this time of year: Q: How early is too early to...
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