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Landscape Design

hostas in pots

Successfully overwintering hostas in pots

By Susan McCabe, Extension Master Gardener serving Fulton, Mason, Peoria and Tazewell counties  Thank you to Susan McCabe for sharing her method of overwintering hostas in pots. Susan is an Extension Master Gardener. I used to dislike Hosta very much. I thought, "They are just...
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purple asters in the garden

Add fall bloomers to the garden

Adding flowers that bloom later in the season provides resources to pollinators into the fall.  As they prepare for migration or overwintering, this is a critical season to ensure they have the required resources. Native plants are an excellent way to ensure that the blooms have the necessary...
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Eliana' Garden memorial rock in her garden

Gardening can help you heal while grieving

In August of 2020, I received a call with the news that is every mother’s nightmare. There had been an accident and my six-year-old daughter did not survive. That week, her lovely kindergarten teacher brought us five plants to start a butterfly garden. Although I already loved gardening, at that...
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