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Yellow flowers on green and purple leaves

Beyond hostas in your shade garden

Gardening in the shade can be challenging. Few plants grow their best in low light conditions, and the plants that do often lack gorgeous blooms. If a lawn of large-leaved hostas is letting you down, experiment with uniquely textured foliage and distinct blossoms offered by shade-loving plants. You...
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Callery Pear on forest edge - Photo by Chris Evans, University of Illinois Extension

A certain air around Callery Pear

Do you see those beautiful white flowering trees lining the streets and backyards? These delicate white blossoms, made brighter by the months of winter endured, are actually an environmental hazard to the Illinois wilds. Callery Pear season is upon us. It’s actually ...
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cool season blooms - photo by Terrance Raper on Unsplash

Plant cool-season annuals now!

As winter slowly fades, every gardener is getting anxious for spring—to dig their hands into the dirt, smell the fresh-cut grass, and fill their containers with annual combinations bursting with color. While it is still a little too early to plant most annual plants, there are a few you can plant...
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growing crops in bags

Edibles or ornamentals? Container trends for 2021

Patio containers will grow food and boast hues of silver and white, and I think we may even see gardeners experimenting with growing sweet potato vine towers. Long gone are the acre gardens with rows and rows of vegetables. The current gardeners are growing their food in patio pots, garden bags,...
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