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Flowers, Fruits, and Frass

Herb Festival at Unity Community Center on July 27

University of Illinois Extension McLean County Master Gardeners would like to invite you and your family to a festival of herbs at the Unity Community Center, 632 Orlando Avenue Normal, on Thursday, July 27 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Bring the kids to participate in garden festivities while tasting delectable dishes made out of the tasty herbs grown in the garden. University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator says, "Eating dishes that highlight the herbs in the garden is a summer experience you won't want to miss. Growing and using herbs can be easy with a few tips from the gardeners."

This year the McLean County Master Gardeners dedicated their raised beds to these aromatic and edible plants in an effort to educate the youth and the community they live in. The garden is a place to enliven the senses by smelling, touching and nibbling on the plants. Herbs are the easiest way to make a boring dinner dish come alive with depth and flavor.

The festivities will include making an herbal bouquet, navigating through the garden on a scavenger hunt, painting the garden fence, taking home your very own herb pots and tasting a plethora of herb dishes. The vegetable production garden will also be highlighted with a harvest give away.

The festival is a time for eating, merriment and fun with the Master Gardeners. Merriment will be enjoyed by all through adventure, and exploration. Take part in celebrating the hard work and dedication of area youth and Master Gardeners who enthusiastically planned, planted, weeded, watered, and harvested the garden. Whether you are the mayor of Normal or a family of 5, we hope to see you there and give you a tasty treat.