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Good Growing

We Need Your Input!

Feedback on chalk board

Us at Good Growing appreciate you taking your time to read, listen, and watch the content we create. From Katie, Ken, and Chris – THANK YOU!

And as much as it pains us to ask for just a bit more of your time, I must make the request. We need feedback. We need to know if this content that we create is helping you. Because that is the whole point of why we do this – to help you. The goal of University of Illinois Extension is to provide the research-based information to allow you to make more informed decisions. Is organic your thing? Do you spray conventional pesticides? Are you a native plant purist? Or do you enjoy a more exotic flair in your yard and gardens? We are here to give you the best-practice information and remain non-biased.

Is there a research project for every topic in horticulture and agriculture? Certainly not! That’s falls on our shoulders to interpret the data available and translate it into application. It’s not always pretty and if nature has taught us one thing, it is that there are always exceptions. The plants and critters don’t read the rules. They respond to their environment based on their needs. Now is the time to tell us! Are we getting this translation correct? Does it make sense? Are we meeting your needs?

Of course, there are certainly moments when we wax poetic about nature. Horticulture sits on a balance of science and art. To work with living things and make it something spectacular requires a left- and right-brain approach. Is it helping you?

So, as we navigate another year of Good Growing we need your input to help chart the course. We ask only five minutes of your time to tell us how we are doing. What is working and what is not. We’re all ears!

Following is a link to a five-minute survey to give feedback on Good Growing. We have many different outlets for information spanning print articles, blogs, podcasts, even YouTube videos. Please respond to the channels of information you consume and let us know how to better serve you.

Give us your feedback!

Take the Good Growing Survey

Thank you!

The Good Growing Team

-Katie, Ken, and Chris