It is no secret that things are... not normal right now in the world. It is also no secret that the agricultural clock does not stop because of a pandemic.
That being said, we think it is important that you know that the University of Illinois Plant Clinic remains open! Yes, you read that correctly. The Plant Clinic is OPEN! As spring flowers being to pop, trees start sprouting leaves, and seeds are sown into the ground, you may still send plant, insect, and soil samples to the Plant Clinic.
In order to comply with social distancing guidelines, the Plant Clinic has had to move to operating with a skeleton crew, with no more than one person working in the lab on any given day. Because of this, they are not able to answer the phone. We encourage you to email plantclinic@illinois.edu with questions and concerns. If you do not have access to email, you can call the Plant Clinic at (217) 333-0519. Please be sure to leave a message and they will respond when they can.
The following are guidelines for how to submit a sample from Plant Clinic Director, Diane Plewa:
- If you are sending samples through the mail:
- We recommend that you use USPS and email us with the tracking number (if there is one).
- If you use UPS or FedEx you MUST provide us with a tracking number as neither UPS nor FedEx are delivering to our building at this point and we have to pick up packages (which we won’t know to expect without a tracking number).
- If you are local you can drop off samples: There is a large, green, drop-off box to the left of the South doors at Turner Hall (opposite the greenhouse). There are sample submission forms available in the box, along with pens. We will be checking the box every day. (See map image below).
We ask that all samples submitted include a sample submission form. (Use the diagnostic sample form for most plant and insect samples, the nematology form for soil samples, and the molecular services form for herbicide resistance and Palmer amaranth ID.)
The Plant Clinic is making every attempt to process samples in a timely manner. However, because this is a constantly changing situation, Illinois SCN type and HG type assays are being put on hold for the time being. You can still submit samples for these services, and the samples will be stored until they can be processed. You are welcome to contact the Plant Clinic if you have questions about turn-around for any of the services.
If you have any questions about submitting a sample to the Plant Clinic, feel free to contact them via email (preferably) at plantclinic@illinois.edu OR by phone, (217) 333-0519 (please leave a message).