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Hort in the Home Landscape

Plant of the Week: Pigsqueak, Bergenia

This week's plant of the week is Bergenia (Bergenia cordifolia). I love Bergenia for multiple reasons, but mostly because another of it's common name is Pigsqueak. How cute is that! The name comes from the fact that the leaves are very glossy and leathery and when you rub the leaves together it makes a lovely sound.

Pigsqueak is a great shade perennial. The leathery, somewhat succulent leaves grow in a rosette and reach heights of about 12 to 24 inches depending on the cultivar you choose. They make a great texture contrast to the other common shade perennials. The foliage also tends to remain evergreen during the winter, which is a nice feature. In late winter to early spring, it bears pink to rose-red flowers on red stalks.
Bergenia will tolerate a wide range of soil types, but prefers well-drained, moist soils containing lots of organic matter. It is a very non-aggressive member of the garden, spreading slowly via rhizomes.
Learn more about Bergenia here.