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Hort in the Home Landscape

Plant of the Week: Pineapple Lily

Visiting a botanic garden last week, I was reminded of the beauty of the Pineapple Lily(Eucomiscomosa)! I meant to get some planted in my garden this spring and completely forgot. Next year!

The pineapple lily is a bulb native to South Africa that is hardy to zone 7. Meaning for us northerners, that we need to dig the bulbs at the end of the season.

One way to grow these bulbs is in pots or containers which are brought inside in fall to a cool, dry location. The other option is to plant the bulbs in the ground in spring,and dig in the fall each year. Like dahlias, caladiums, and other summer bulbs, these bulbs are then overwintered indoors in a cool location in a dry medium like peat moss or sawdust.

According to Missouri Botanic Garden, pineapple lilies grow best in moist, organically rich, well-drained soils in full sun. They can tolerate some shade, but their best flowering and foliage color occur in full sun.

The foliage of pineapple lily is a basal rosette of strap-shaped, linear, dark green leaves which spread upward and outward to about 2 feet. From each rosette, a thick, purple-spotted flower stalk rises to 24" tall in mid to late summer bearing masses of tiny, starry, greenish-white flowers typically tinged with shades of purple. They're just beautiful! And the overall flower shape looks a lot like a pineapple fruit, hence the common name.

Definitely one to try!