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The Nutrition Nosh

Tomorrow Is Today!

How easy it is to say "I'll get to that tomorrow" and before you know it, weeks, months and years have passed.  Developing sound goals is a roadmap for a successful journey. When writing goals, try S.M.A.R.T. goals. What is a S.M.A.R.T. goal? It is defined as one that is specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time-bound. Using S.M.A.R.T. goals helps accomplish individual successes. Below are the definitions of each of the S.M.A.R.T. goal criteria.

Specific: Goals are clearly defined. Be as concrete as possible. Break it down:

  • Instead of - "I wish I could eat more fruits and vegetables."
  • Use - "I'm going to eat 3 servings of fruit this week."

Measurable: Goals measurable clear progression from beginning to end. Instead of trying to change everything, try short measurements built into the goal, like micro-goals.

  • Instead of - "If only I could have a beautiful garden."
  • Use - "Today I will draw-out a garden on paper; tomorrow I will turn the soil. Next weekend, I'll start seedlings."

Achievable: Goals provide a challenge and are well defined so they can be achieved! Does achievement require new knowledge, skills, or abilities?

  • Instead of - "I will lower my cholesterol and get off my medication in two years."
  • Use - "I will strive to reduce my cholesterol through diet and exercise and ask my health care provider to evaluate my need for medication."

Result-Focused: Goals should measure outcome, not activities.

  • Each goal can be tied to our needs and available resources.

Time-Bound: Goals linked to a time-frame are more likely to be reached. It's not about being the first to win the race, but that we crossed the finish line! It's about keeping ourselves in the game!

  • Instead of - "One day, I'll exercise more."
Use - "I'm going to make an exercise plan that will allow me to reach my goals of 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity a week.

Additional Tips

  • Put it in writing, post notes as reminders.
  • Tackle the mountain one-step at a time.
  • Be patient. Research has shown it takes 21-28 days to make a habit.
  • It often takes time to see positive results from lifestyle changes.
  • Extreme measures often do not turn into long-term, healthy, and sustainable results.
  • Enlist help.
  • Share with others.