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Farming for the Future: Digital and Regenerative Agriculture Field Day

A landscape with green grass, crops field, tree, and blue skies.
Event Date(s)
Event Time
University of Illinois Energy Farm

Discover the potential when technology and regenerative agriculture meet. 

Spend the day immersed where digital technology and regenerative agriculture meet at the Farming for the Future Field Day on Aug. 15. See how when combined, the two pave the way for a more resilient and sustainable agriculture future.

Attendees can look forward to in-field experiences, seeing research in action at station demos, networking with university crop researchers and Extension staff, asking questions, and touring multiple facilities

Topics include cover crops, robotic on-farm systems for crops and livestock, in-field broadband, soil and water quality, air quality and greenhouse gas emissions, and carbon sequestration. 

Field Day Stations:

  • Seeding, monitoring, and intervention with drones.
  • Test out the rainfall simulator.
  • See live integrations of sensor data.
  • Experience fenceless grazing technology.
  • Plan for various Farm of the Future and Energy Farm tours.

Attending the field day is free, but registration is required by Aug. 12. The event includes light breakfast options and lunch. CPDUs and CEUs are available. Click the link below for the field day agenda, including topics, presenters, and registration.

About Farming for the Future

The Farming for the Future Field Day is part of the Illinois I-FARM National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture Grant 2021-67021-34418. Additional partners include the university’s Center for Digital Agriculture, National Center for Supercomputing ApplicationsI-REGEN, and Illinois Extension.