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Blog Posts

Read article: Planning for pet costs
Planning for pet costs
Caring for pets goes beyond the initial purchase price. When making a spending plan, prioritizing needs first is a common practice. When a pet...
Read article: Spending plan categories: How many do you need?
Spending plan categories: How many do you need?
The Consumer Expenditures 2023 report was recently released from the U.S. Bureau of...
girl blowing bubbles
Read article: How do you save money during the summer?
How do you save money during the summer?
Summer is around the corner! For those of us in the colder regions of the U.S., the warmer months present us with options we longed for during the...
Read article: Debt repaying strategies: How do you decide?
Debt repaying strategies: How do you decide?
Do you have multiple debts that need to be paid down? When it comes to paying off debt, do you have a strategy?...

News Releases

Financial Tips for Uncertain Times
Tips to create good financial habits
URBANA, Ill.- Establishing good financial habits early is a foundational element for long-term financial stability. University of Illinois Extension has teamed up with ...