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Home Ownership

Blog Posts

Moving boxes in an apartment
Read article: Surprises when shopping for a continuing care retirement community
Surprises when shopping for a continuing care retirement community
You can teach something, but the doing is different. I’ve done workshops on choosing housing options as we age. I’ve even helped create a website...
Leaves along a road covering a storm drain
Read article: Fall leaves, clean streams: Leaf management impacts water quality
Fall leaves, clean streams: Leaf management impacts water quality
Episode 57 discusses an often-overlooked aspect of maintaining water quality – the impact of fall leaf management. In this episode,...
Read article: Take care of nuisance pests around the house
Take care of nuisance pests around the house
Note: This is the second part of a series on indoor pests....
bird at a bird bath with flowing water
Read article: Create a bird-friendly yard
Create a bird-friendly yard
North America has lost 3 billion birds since 1970, according to a study from the ...

News Releases

Natural lawn care made easy with new eco-friendly guide
URBANA, Ill. – Every summer weekend, like clockwork, the roar of lawnmowers fills neighborhoods across the state as homeowners and landscape companies try to keep up with the never-ending chore that is lawn care. ...
Country ponds need help to stay healthy, beautiful
URBANA, Ill. – Owning a lush and scenic country pond is a point of pride for many rural landowners, but over time ponds need a hand to stay clean and healthy. “Good management can slow or stop harmful changes like a buildup of surface algae or a decrease in fish so you can use and enjoy...