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News Releases

cattle on pasture
Pasture Management: Recovering from 2023
Why recover from 2023?  Timely early-season rains, which help start crops off reasonably well, gave way to hot, dry conditions for the last half of the season. This resulted in many area pastures and hayfields ending the growing season in rough, beatdown conditions.  Add to the short...
Black Angus cow standing in a snowy, grassy pasture amongst evergreen trees.
Discuss beef cattle management at Dudley Smith Farm winter meeting
URBANA, Ill. — Discussions and decisions made during the winter months can impact managing a beef cattle operation all year. The Dudley Smith Winter Farm Meeting is a chance to come together to learn through the farm’s traditions, sustainable agriculture practices, and hands-on research...
Beef up your 2023 beef herd management
URBANA, Ill – Producers can improve herd management by learning latest research on cover crop performance, grazing farms, soil health, and drainage practices during the 2023 Dudley Smith Farm Winter Meeting. The meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. Feb. 7 at the...