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Pesticide Label

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a blue spruce dying from absorbing a lawn-applied weed killer
Read article: Pesticide Pitfalls: Common Misuses and What to Do If You've Made a Mistake
Pesticide Pitfalls: Common Misuses and What to Do If You've Made a Mistake
You sprayed what? Where? There are a few occasions when it is a good thing people can’t read my facial expressions over the phone. One of those...
adult spotted lanternfly on tree-of-heaven
Read article: Here’s what to do if you find spotted lanternfly
Here’s what to do if you find spotted lanternfly
In a summer when many feel like they have been ambushed by cicadas, it’s easy to forget that the spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) has...
Map of Illinois PULAs
Read article: Pesticide applicators should familiarize themselves with EPA’s Bulletins Live! Two system
Pesticide applicators should familiarize themselves with EPA’s Bulletins Live! Two system
By now, many pesticide users (particularly those who have applied dicamba or 2,4-D on soybean) may have seen newer pesticide label language...
Cab tractor spraying in peach orchard
Read article: Let your voice be heard! Public comment period on proposed rate changes to chlorothalonil
Let your voice be heard! Public comment period on proposed rate changes to chlorothalonil
The active ingredient chlorothalonil (e.g. Bravo, Daconil) is undergoing the registration review process, and the public comment period is now open...