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Learn how small changes help environment: Webinar Series

photo of sky

Small changes in habits can have a positive impact on the environment From lawn care, native plants, and managing home waste, to understanding animal behavior and atmospheric optics, there is never a shortage of new things to learn about your everyday environment.

The Everyday Environment online webinar series will help individuals understand and consider choices which will protect natural resources. The series, presented by University of Illinois Extension energy and environmental experts, are free and will be held at 1 p.m. each Thursday for eight weeks, beginning April 9. To learn more, one may check out the series website. Each registration is confirmed with an email.

Click on the webinar title to register for each session.

1 PM | April 9 | Sky Spectacles
Join us and learn why we see a blue sky; why twilight is longer near the poles; and what sun dogs, halos, mirages, and other atmospheric optics are. Presenter: Duane Friend

1 PM | April 16 | Coyotes
Coyotes have to be one of the most misunderstood species in Illinois. Cunning, social, resilient, opportunistic, faithful, adaptive, shy, successful, hated, inspirational: those words have all been used to describe coyotes. They conjure up mixed feelings of fear, anger, and for some, wild beauty. Coyotes are often blamed for many things they do and do not do. Nonetheless, they might be worthy the title of best survivalist despite the human population. Presenter: Peggy Doty.

1 PM | April 23 | Planting for the Pollinators
How can you support pollinators in your yard? Learn what types of pollinators you can attract to your yard and discover the right native plants attract butterflies, native bees, moths, and more. Presenter: Erin Garrett.

1 PM | April 30 | Natural Lawn Care Part 1: Assessment
Assess the health and prepare for environmentally-friendly lawns. Participants will learn tools and techniques to better assess lawn so as they make an informed natural lawn care plan. Presenter: Abigail GarofaloGemini Bhalsod. Allison Neubauer.

1 PM | May 7 | Natural Lawn Care Part 2: Strategies
Learn strategies to understand your lawn, as well as learn tools to create a natural lawn care action plan. Presenter: Abigail GarofaloGemini Bhalsod. Allison Neubauer.

1 PM | May 14 | Managing Waste in the Home
Have you ever thought about how much trash your household generates? Learn about the management of municipal solid waste in the US, materials that can be recycled or composted, locating recycling and composting facilities near you, and strategies for decreasing household waste. Presenter: Ashley Belle.

1 PM | May 21 | Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy Biennial Report
How is water quality in Illinois? The Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy guides the state's efforts to improve water quality at home and downstream by reducing nitrogen and phosphorus levels in our lakes, streams, and rivers. The strategy lays out a comprehensive suite of best management practices for reducing nutrient loads from wastewater treatment plants and urban and agricultural runoff. Learn how the strategy has progressed. Presenters: Eliana Brown, Kate Gardiner, Haley Haverback, Jennifer Woodyard.

1 PM | June 25 | All About Clouds
See various types of clouds, including unique clouds only seen in a few locations and what weather is expected with each variety. Presenter: Duane Friend

Source: Erin Garrett, University of Illinois Extension Educator, Energy and Environmental Stewardship

University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in programming, contact your local registration office. Early requests are strongly encouraged to allow sufficient time for meeting your needs.