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Ep. 179 Plants we wouldn’t plant or would think twice about before planting again| #GoodGrowing

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Episode Show Notes / Description
While we tend to focus on the positives of plants, not all plants work well in all gardens or for all gardens. Whether they are too aggressive, require too much time and maintenance, or we just don’t like them, there are a variety of reasons we may not want to grow certain plants. On this week’s Good Growing Podcast, we discuss some of the plants we’ve grown in our gardens that we wouldn’t plant again and some that we would think twice about planting. It’s not all bad, though; we also discuss some plants we will always plant in our gardens.
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  00:35 – Welcome, Ken and Emily! How are the gardens doing?
  03:55 – Why we chose these plants
  05:00 – Never again plants
      05:15 – Early sunflower
      09:25 – Malva sylvestris 'Zebrina'
      10:45 – Pink celery
      12:50 – Cauliflower
      16:20 – Maple trees
      23:53 – Daylilies (ditch lilies)
      28:25 – Mountain mint
      30:50 – Common milkweed
  32:40 – Think twice before planting again
      30:50 – River oats
      35:05 – Arborvitae
      37:55 – Vegetable garden
      41:20 – Passionflower
      43:05 – Sweet corn
      43:20 – Roses
      45:40 – Stock and snapdragons
      48:15 – Lamb’s-ear
      49:42 – Peanuts
      51:15 – Lemon seeds
      54:12 – Whorled milkweed
  56:40 – Must plant every year plants
        57:10 – Sunflower, snapdragons, cover crops
        58:40 – Kale, trees
        59:35 – Something new, garlic, tomatoes, gladiolus
  1:03:12 – Wrap-up, thank yous, what’s up next week, and goodbye!
Contact us! 
Chris Enroth:
Ken Johnson: 
Emily Swihart: 

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