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Ep. 182 What’s Bugging Our Gardens and Trees in 2024 | #GoodGrowing

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Episode Show Notes / Description
In this episode, we dive into the latest challenges facing gardeners and landscapers. From toppling trees to the potential for itchy mites dropping from the sky, Ken and Chris have a list of things that might be bugging your garden and landscape!

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Skip to what you want to know:
00:38 Hey Ken!
01:57 Chris found a pretty bug! A dog-day cicada.
03:47 Updates from Ken and Chris' yards.
07:06 What is this green bug eating my flowers?
10:53 Issues with a pin oak tree dropping limbs and leaking fluid from a hole in the trunk
17:50 The problem with aphids this summer. So many! Why?
21:02 Why did my ash tree fall over? It seemed healthy and we treated it for EAB every year."
26:48 What are these bumps on my magnolia tree? Magnolia scale is everywhere this year!
33:32 The rise of oak leaf gall mite? Makes people itchy.
38:05 Thank yous and coming up next week.

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Ken Johnson: 
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