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Ep. 53 Talking Seed Saving and Production with Gemini Bhalsod

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Episode Show Notes / Description
In this week's Good Growing podcast we chat once again with Gemini Bhalsod, an Illinois Extension horticulture educator for Cook County. Gemini and the group dive into seed production and why we are already seeing shortages for the 2021 growing season. We also discuss how you can plan your garden for saving your seed this year. Plus your questions! Tomato seeds from last year have mold on them. Can they be saved? Is it too late to plant milkweed seed in January? Can I save seed from a sweet pepper plant being overwintered that is producing fruit now? Can I sow lawn seed in the winter? What can teachers plant now (January) which will grow in time for the kids to see flowers or harvest? Want to watch the podcast? You can on YouTube Contact the hosts Ken Johnson Katie Parker Chris Enroth
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