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Ep. 54 Talking Seed Catalogs with Nicole Flowers-Kimmerle

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Episode Show Notes / Description
In this week's Good Growing podcast we chat with Nicole Flowers-Kimmerle, an Illinois Extension horticulture educator. We get into the thick of it as we talk seed catalogs and tips for navigating your way through the inundation of marketing from seed companies in these winter months. Plus your questions! What’s the difference between hybrids and GMOs? How can I avoid purchasing GMO seeds? What about certified organic seed? Should I throw away seed from last year? What are all these different abbreviations next to the plant names in the catalog? Is it legal to save seed from a vegetable that I ordered from a seed catalog? Is there a way to get free seed? Bush or vining type? Determinate and indeterminate? What is best if I just want a small tomato plant? Seed viability chart from Iowa State Extension Want to watch the podcast? You can on YouTube Contact the hosts Ken Johnson Katie Parker Chris Enroth
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