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Ep. 62 Talking Spring Garden and Landscaping Plans

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Episode Show Notes / Description
On this week's Good Growing podcast hosts Ken, Katie, and Chris share what's going on in their vegetable gardens and what yard chores are on their to-do list. Is it time for spring cleanup? Ken notices some bees are out and looking for nesting locations and gives tips on providing that habitat while cleaning out some dead plants. Katie talks about lawn care and what we should be doing this early in the spring. Plus your questions answered! What kind of maintenance should be happening for fruit trees in early spring? What can be done about mole and vole damage to yards? Bees are emerging in our basement from a wood table! What can we do to keep that from happening? Bees are swarming the bird feeder. Why? What can a person with bee allergies do to stop it? What are some tips to sustainably maintain our lawns? Should we be doing grub control in the spring? Watch us on YouTube
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