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Ep. 77 Tips for Container Gardening #GoodGrowing

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Episode Show Notes / Description
On this week's Good Growing podcast Ken and Chris chat about growing in containers. They discuss some unique plants they grow and cover why a soil-free mix is important, how they fertilize, some watering tips, and more! Watch us on YouTube 1:01 What do we grow in containers? Ornamentals, veggies, and some unique plants. 8:44 Soil-free mix - why do we use it? Plus specialty mixes. 12:50 Benefits of soil-free potting mix 14:38 Selecting containers - material (plastic, clay, ceramic) 17:51 Selecting containers - Color 18:39 Some things to know when using fabric containers 20:41 Figuring out pot sizes 23:13 Improving drainage with gravel in the bottom. Does it work? 26:36 Fertilizing containers 30:49 Watering containers ___ Any products mentioned during the podcast are in no way a promotion of these products.
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