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Hill and Furrow 2014

Planting date and corn yield

Each year a corn planting date trial is established at the Northwestern Illinois Agricultural Research and Demonstration Center. Planting date studies can provide us with valuable information. For example, in a given year, with its unique weather conditions, we can find out which planting date...
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Uneven corn emergence and yield potential

Corn plants emerged unevenly in some fields at the Northwestern Illinois Agricultural Research and Demonstration Center (NWIARDC) in 2014. The picture above shows uneven emergence in a field that was cultivated on April 16 and seeded 1.75 inches deep on April 22 (Figure). ...
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Results of SDS Variety Trials

Trait selection. When selecting a soybean variety to plant there are many traits in addition to yield potential that may be important to consider. Producers focus on planting soybean varieties with different disease resistance traits depending upon pathogen and disease prevalence...
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