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Hill and Furrow 2014

Setting Records: February 2014 Weather Summary

Historical weather data. The Monmouth weather station has been in operation since 1893, meaning that average temperature, precipitation and snowfall data have been collected for each of the last 122 Februarys. Temperature, snowfall and precipitation data listed below were collected...
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Planting date and corn yield

Each year a corn planting date trial is established at the Northwestern Illinois Agricultural Research and Demonstration Center. Planting date studies can provide us with valuable information. For example, in a given year, with its unique weather conditions, we can find out which planting date...
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Uneven corn emergence and yield potential

Corn plants emerged unevenly in some fields at the Northwestern Illinois Agricultural Research and Demonstration Center (NWIARDC) in 2014. The picture above shows uneven emergence in a field that was cultivated on April 16 and seeded 1.75 inches deep on April 22 (Figure). ...
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Results of SDS Variety Trials

Trait selection. When selecting a soybean variety to plant there are many traits in addition to yield potential that may be important to consider. Producers focus on planting soybean varieties with different disease resistance traits depending upon pathogen and disease prevalence...
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Corn Foliar Diseases: Identification and Management Guide

As the growing season rolls on, those producers with corn that is beginning to tassel may be thinking about plant disease and whether to add a foliar fungicide to their list of inputs in 2014. Dr. Carl Bradley, University of Illinois State Plant Pathology Extension Specialist, has coordinated corn...
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Scouting in 2014 can inform decisions for 2015 and beyond

Although 2014 variety and hybrid selections were made long ago and foliar fungicide decisions are likely already made because of scouting that took place before tasseling, additional scouting throughout the 2014 growing season can continue to provide important information needed for future growing...
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March 2014 Weather Summary

Temperature, snowfall and precipitation data listed below were collected at the Monmouth weather station located a little more than 4 miles from the Northwestern Illinois Agricultural Research and Demonstration Center (NWIARDC), while soil temperature probes are located at the NWIARDC. ...
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We ignore biology at our peril

When so many of the factors that influence crop production are out of one's control, it is difficult to overcome the urge to continuously use pesticides and practices that have proved effective. But this is what one must do to in order to effectively manage pests and pathogens into the future....
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