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A Nature Journal 2017

Invasive in Paradise

While hiking the trail along the rim of Kilauea Iki volcano crater on the Big Island of Hawaii last July, we came across a dazzling beauty of a plant. It had multiple tiers of yellow flowers off a single central stem. As we neared the end of the trail, we came across knobby growth covering large...
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Farewell Winter... Welcome Spring

Late winter, frightened winter, winter that knows it's losing its grip on the earth. Late winter can't hold rivers in suspension like stone or hardened iron. Rivers are quietly coming to life, moving through the heart of Illinois like new blood coursing through the veins of winter's victim. Last...
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The Buckeye

While wandering the grassy side paths at Meadowbrook Park, I stepped into a colony of medium-sized brown butterflies with circular orange and black markings on their forewings. It turns out they were Common Buckeye Butterflies (Junonia coenia). The markings are apparently a form of protective...
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Frog Call Monitoring: A Citizen Science Project

On a chilly March evening my wife Cathy and I stood in the starlight facing a nearly invisible wetland. We were listening to what sounded like thousands of tiny sleigh bells tinkling in the darkness, but was actually the calls of male spring peepers competing for mates. We listened for perhaps...
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Osage orange fruit

An Osage orange by any other name would be a hedge apple

From out in the southwest, in the drainage area of the Red River in Oklahoma, Texas, and Arkansas, came a deciduous tree known as the Osage Orange (Maclura pomifera), often called the Hedge Tree. It was prized for its wood by the Osage Nation of Native Americans, as well as the Cherokee —...
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Review of Coyote America by Dan Flores (2016)

Most of us who live or spend time in rural (and not so rural) areas have seen them, slender canines with long bushy tails usually casually loping away from us. Some of us are thrilled to spot east central Illinois' largest carnivore; others abhor them. Most of us are just surprised. However you...
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The Year of the Hawks and the Fox

2016 was the year of the hawks and the fox at our home in southeast Urbana. We saw four fledging hawks grow to adulthood in July and August. And late in the fall we watched transfixed as a red fox enjoyed a little me-time in the fallen leaves outside our kitchen window. When my wife Lois first...
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Preservation Pond

There's a miniature prairie nearby, a gem of green space under an open sky in a neighborhood shadowed by mature trees. It is rich in native plantings, and is attracting quite a variety of wildlife. Casual visitors are surprised to learn it is not a park, but a retention pond built by the City of...
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Meet the White Dogtooth Violet

You might actually know this plant more for its mottled leaves than for its flower. White Dogtooth Violet, Erythronium albidum, is a delicate, early spring, native perennial; it is usually found in colonies and has an affinity for moist soil on gentle woodland slopes. The word "Dogtooth" appears in...
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If I were a tree, what would I be?

Great White Swamp Oak Beech Each of us has a favorite "heart" tree. Whether you remember climbing a weeping willow as a child, planting a small apple tree and watching it grow, or pausing in a hike under a glorious oak or maple, most of us sense a satisfying alignment and affinity to special trees...
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Keep Your Eyes Open

We had some interesting encounters with nature in Texas this year when we went down to spend Thanksgiving week with our sons. The day we arrived in north Austin this guy was standing in the middle of the road a couple of blocks from our rental house as we were driving home from dinner. It seemed...
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Kingfisher Attack

A two-century-old homestead site, turned into a public garden, once had a large wood lot for fuel. The wood lot, part of the upland forest along the upper reaches of the Sangamon River corridor, is now declining. Huge earthbound white oaks spatter the wood lot's western cusp with snags and...
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Are We There Yet?

As a group we Master Naturalists are a hopeful bunch. Just about all of our work anticipates future rewards. And so it is with the "pollinator pocket" my wife Cathy and I began two years ago. First, of course, we had to go to the Grand Prairie Friends plant sale. We got a Missouri ironweed, a...
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The Harvester

The words 'carnivorous' and 'butterfly' aren't often used in the same sentence outside of fifties-era grade B monster movies. But a chance encounter in my back yard set off a flurry of research into the lifestyle of this singular species. Meet Feniseca tarquinius, the Harvester. It is North...
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